
First time visiting Allen’s Neck Friends Meeting?

VENTURING OUT TO A NEW RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY for the first time can be a challenge. Below we have tried to identify and answer most of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) that first time visitors might have. We are eager to welcome you and make your first visit with us a rewarding and comfortable one!

Follow this link for directions to the Meeting, 739 Horseneck Road, South Dartmouth, MA.

How long does meeting for worship last?

Our regular Sunday Meeting for Worship lasts for one hour. It begins when the first person settles into worship. A member of Ministry and Counsel is assigned to hold the meeting in prayer and sense when it is time to close the meeting, signaled by the shaking of hands.

When should I plan to arrive?

See the home page banner for the current start time. 9AM or 10 AM depending on the season. We encourage you to arrive 10 minutes before worship starts to have time to get settled. Attend in person or via Zoom.

Forty-five minutes before Meeting for Worship we offer Meeting for Learning as an opportunity to deepen community and worship. Attend in person or via Zoom.

Are there opportunities to connect before or after Meeting?

Forty-five minutes before Meeting for Worship we offer Meeting for Learning as an opportunity to deepen community and worship. Attend in person or via Zoom.

After Meeting, join us for coffee, cookies and conversation.

Where should I park?
Pull into the driveway. There is plenty of parking around the Meetinghouse
What should I wear to Meeting?
Casual clothing is fine. Wear whatever you feel is comfortable.
It is my first time attending, what should I expect?
If attending in person, we encourage you to arrive 10 minutes early if you can! If it’s your first time attending a Quaker meeting for worship, you may enjoy reading one of our pamphlets to give you a sense of what to expect.

If attending via Zoom, we hope you’ll find a comfortable place in your home to join us for our Zoom Meeting for Worship! You may join with your camera on or off, or by phone. Meeting for worship begins when the first person settles into worship.

Meeting for Worship is rooted in silence, but the silence is not emptiness—rather, Friends gather in expectant waiting. We believe that there is “that of God” in all people, and through Meeting for Worship, we make space to encounter it. Anyone at a Quaker meeting might be led to speak; ministry and encounters with Spirit may also occur in silence.

After an hour of worship—which could be entirely silent, or filled with words—the Friend with Care of Meeting will signal the meeting’s end. We’ll hear announcements about upcoming activities, and newcomers and guests will be invited to introduce yourself so that we can welcome you. Please note that it’s your choice and no one will call on you if you choose not to speak—some people like to introduce themselves right away, while others prefer to attend a few times before making an introduction. We also encourage newcomers to introduce yourself multiple times so that the community can get to know you!

If I am new to Quaker practice, will I be out of place?
You are welcome here! Our community is a mix of newcomers and longtime attendees & members. Some of us grew up Quaker, while others are new to Quakerism when they arrive at our meeting.

While Quakerism has its roots in Christianity, today we are theist and non-theist, Christian and non-Christian, and grew up in many different faith and cultural backgrounds.

Whether you stop briefly with us, or stay and become part of our community, you are welcome wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

Am I required to believe anything in particular? What if I am Christian, atheist, Jewish, universalist, Buddhist, humanist, etc.?

You are welcome here. Quakers have no unified creed or statement of belief, and we use many words to describe the Divine. Some of them include: God, the Light Within, Christ, Spirit, Seed, and Inward Teacher. More on this here.

At Allen’s Neck Friends Meeting, our community holds many diverse backgrounds and theologies. The Quaker way has deep Christian roots that form our understanding of God, our faith, and our practices. Many Quakers consider themselves Christian, and many do not. Many Quakers today draw spiritual nourishment from our Christian roots and strive to follow the example of Jesus. Many other Quakers draw spiritual sustenance from various religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and the nature religions.

We encourage you to check out this brief video, or ask fellow attendees at our meeting! Meeting for Learning is also a good time to ask questions about Quaker faith and practice.

How can I get more information, or ask a question?
Just send us an email using the contact form or the email address at the top of the page.
How do I join the meeting on Zoom?

Click here to join meeting for worship and other activities on Zoom. There is also a link on the front page on the stripe that announces the time of worship.

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